Frequently asked questions.


  What is Prestige and how can I gain more of it?

Our Prestige score is a direct reflection of your reputation within the Hich community. You earn Prestige by completing your account, voting genuinely, positively engaging with the community, creating posts that people like, reporting bad content, and finishing daily tasks (among other things!). 

The higher your Prestige score, the more access you will have to exclusive content that provides bigger rewards. You can read this guide to learn how to gain more Prestige: More info...

  How can I earn more coins?

There are many different ways to earn coins, this includes, but isn’t limited to: voting genuinely, completing daily tasks, creating excellent content, inviting friends to Hich, competing in the monthly leaderboard, and becoming a moderator.

  What are Sparks used for?

Sparks are for competing in the monthly Leaderboard where we reward our best voters. You will gain access to the Leaderboard when you have earned 50+ Prestige.

  Why am I unable to vote?

You have been blocked from voting because you were voting too quickly without properly reading the titles and options. To avoid being blocked again in the future, please take your time to carefully review each option before casting your vote.

  What are the RankUp polls?

RankUp polls are special polls that require extra care and attention from our voters. These polls come from people who are looking for genuine feedback on a very specific topic to help them make important decisions. More info...

  Who are the moderators?

Moderators are individuals who voluntarily help with grading polls and assisting users. They play an important role in improving content quality and supporting the community. The moderators are not official representatives of HICH and they do not act under our instruction in their day-to-day operations.

  How can I delete my account?

If you wish to delete your account, please go to Settings from the side menu, select “Manage account”, and then choose “Delete Account”.

  How can I get my referral code?

To get your referral code, go to the side menu, tap on ‘Share & Referral,’ copy the referral code from there, and send it to your friends.


  I used the wrong email for my withdrawal. How can I change it?

If your withdrawal request hasn’t been approved yet, you can cancel it and submit a new request with the correct email. If your withdrawal has already been issued, please contact our support team for assistance.

  Why hasn’t my money been transferred to my account yet?

After 10 days, it’s possible that the transfer failed due to a specific reason. Please check your payment details to ensure they are correct. If the issue persists, contact our support team for further assistance.

  Can I cancel a withdrawal request?

Yes, you can cancel your withdrawal request as long as it hasn’t been approved yet.

To cancel, go to the Payment section of the app, find your pending request, and select the ‘cancel’ option. 

If the request has already been approved, it cannot be canceled.

  My country doesn’t support PayPal. How can I receive my payment?

Currently, PayPal is the only payment method that we offer. If PayPal isn’t supported in your country, we recommend asking someone you trust who has a PayPal account to help you receive the payment via their account.

  Does PayPal support my country?

To check if PayPal supports your country, visit the official PayPal website and review their list of supported countries. More info...

  What is the Hich coin exchange rate?

100,000 coins = 1GBP.

To check the conversion rate against other selected currencies, click here: More info...

  How long does it take for a withdrawal request to be processed?

Typically, it takes up to 5 ‘working days’ (Monday to Friday) for the funds to be transferred to your PayPal account. Delays can sometimes be caused by PayPal’s own policies.

  What are the requirements for requesting a withdrawal?

To request a withdrawal of your coins, you need to earn 40+ Prestige, have a minimum of 50K coins in deposit, or level up your Promoter status.

Multiple accounts

  Why do I see the "Multiple Account" message and my account is restricted?

Per HICH’s Terms and Conditions, voters cannot use more than one account on HICH. This is to ensure that each vote is unique for accurate polling. The message you have received means you have logged in with another account before, and this account has been identified as a duplicate. Please delete your duplicate accounts and then log in to your main account for full access to the app. More info...

  I have multiple accounts, can I use my new account as my main account?

If you'd like to switch to the new account permanently, we recommend deleting your original account by going to Settings from the side menu, selecting “Manage Account”, and then choosing “Delete Account”. Then contact our support team for further guidance.

  I forgot my main account info, made a new one, and now see a 'multiple accounts' message. How can I recover my main account?

Try logging in with the same method you used during registration (e.g. email, Google, Facebook, and Apple ID). If you're unable to recover your account, please contact our support team for further assistance.

  I have multiple accounts. Can you delete the multiple accounts for me?

Unfortunately, we cannot delete accounts on your behalf for security reasons.

You need to log in to each of your accounts and delete them yourself. To do that, log in to the account that you wish to delete, go to Settings from the side menu, select ‘Manage Account,’ and then choose ‘Delete Account’.

  I logged into my account, but it’s showing a different username. What happened to my account?

You have probably logged into one of your duplicate accounts. Please go to Settings from the side menu, select “Manage Account”, and then choose “Delete Account”. Then, log back in using the same method you used during your initial registration to access your original account.

  I have received a "Multiple Accounts" message. What should I do?

Please use your original account (and stop using your duplicate accounts) to ensure you can access all the features of the app, such as earning coins. If you are 100% sure that you have never logged into HICH with another email before, then please contact our support team.

Poll creation

  How are polls graded?

Polls are graded based on the following criteria: they must follow Hich’s guidelines, they must avoid spam or illegal content, they have to make sense, they need to have a good title, be of a high quality, have a global appeal, and be interesting, engaging, and unique.

  What is the star on my polls?

Stars are essentially grades that reflect the quality of your polls. 1 star is the lowest grade, and 5 stars is the highest grade

  How can I create good polls to get better grades (3 stars+)?

You create a good poll by thinking of an interesting and engaging question, adding a clear title, and using high-quality images. You can learn more from these tips in this link: More info...

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